Take Your Pick

Jessica Alba or Jessica Biel?






11 responses to “Take Your Pick”

  1. Tyler Durden Avatar
    Tyler Durden

    Going to sound like a d*ck here, but neither. It would have been Alba, hands down, but now that she’s a Mom, the fantasy is over. Biel never did it for me as she’s not really that sexy — in fact she’s a bit masculine if you ask me. Bit of a Butter Face too.

    So, neither.

    How about we update the choices and try to choose between:
    Rachel Bilson or Meghan Fox

    Now there’s two solid choices that are also as different as night and day.

  2. The Jewru Avatar
    The Jewru

    I dig Biel. Masculine? Perhaps if you are a little girly man, that can’t handle an athletic chick. lol

  3. Dreamweapon Avatar

    Haha, Durden, if your standards are such that Jessica Biel is a dog to you, you’re either playing in an entirely different stratosphere than I or anyone I know, or spending a lot of time “auditioning your fingerpuppets” like George Constanza’s hand model forebearer due to frankly impossible standards, or perhaps narcissism. [g] Even gay men would be all over that. And she’s hardly some imposing, statuesque figure either, believe me–come visit Wisconsin with me some time, you will see what a true Valkyrie looks like. Hillary Swank is a bit masculine (although I would still fight ten men to get at her too, to be honest); Biel is a garden-variety Hollywood uberhottie.

    That said, all these chicks are just that, chicks. Give me a woman, like, say, Monica Bellucci, and I’d be far too preoccupied to even think of some starlet waif ever again.

  4. The Jewru Avatar
    The Jewru

    Thank You Weapon. lol Geez. Biel is smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. RotoScoop Avatar

    Tyler Durden – For some reason your second comment was originally moderated. Must have been b/c of the links – the site thought it was spam. Anyway, I’ve already professed my love for Bilson here more than one time, so I certainly won’t argue there.

  6. Tyler Durden Avatar
    Tyler Durden

    To All Concerned Parties,

    I said in each post, it’s all about personal preference. However, if you do not see that Biel is ‘masculine’ you are nuts. I am not saying she is a man, but she is burly in my opinion and I do not dig that. If you click on a pic of Biel and then a pick on Bilson and do not see the difference, you are nuts…and in denial.

    Regarding high satndards, I live in Los Angeles. So, yes, my standards are sky high. Narcissism? I adore women, so I hardly think saying one is masculine versus feminine merits a hatred for women. It’s simply a way to describe looks. Finally, your comment about gay men made me laugh, Yes, they would be all over Biel. Do the math on that one to realize why. lol

  7. Dreamweapon Avatar

    Durden, as Dalton said your second post never even appeared until long after everyone had already replied so none of us had the opportunity to even consider that at the time.

    I don’t know who Bilson or whoever is and am scarcely interested–I would far rather read Betrand Russell or Herman Hesse than People magazine or US Weekly or whatever that crap was my last gf used to waste her time with, e.g.; I simply do not give a shit about mass pop culture and really only know who the Jessica chicks are because they’re basically impossible to avoid–perhaps your chick will make it there some day. Anyway, having seen her now, she’s alright. She’s soft, typically feminine, sure. I could picture her in the kitchen making my dinner easily enough, which sounds pretty good to me. And if that’s your preference, more power to you, the world would be a shitty place if everyone had the same boring, static tastes.

    But to say Biel is “masculine” or “burly” is frankly absurd. She’s “athletic”, Durden, “athletic”. Angular, toned, whatever you want to call it. Look up “burly” in the dictionary, my friend, and you’ll find something to the effect of ” large in bodily size; stout; sturdy.” None of these adjective even remotely apply to Biel’s svelte, lithe little body. Jonathan Broxton is burly. Heath Bell is burly. David Wells is burly. My brother and I, both hulking Scandinavians, are pretty damn burly. The lumberjack on the Brawny towels is burly. Any of the people mentioned above weigh, almost assuredly, at least two and a half times as much as Biel. She could fit inside one of my legs. If Jessica Biel is burly, I’m a ballerina. And the King of France.

    So, in the end, it seems we’re getting hung up on nomenclature. I’m not saying your preferences are invalid (that is an impossibility, you are entitled to them as a free moral agent), but I’m saying that the terms “masculine” and “burly”, as employed in the English language for the past millenium or so, in no way apply to the individual known as Jessica Biel, and short of a crash training course with the instructors from East Germany’s 1970s Olympic swim teams, never will.

    I would also suggest a personal theory: you live in LA. That’s a sunny, outdoorsy kind of place. Plenty of gyms, and the opportunity to show off a toned physique 365 1/4 days a year. Thus, plenty of incentive for those inclined to develop their physiques in such a fashion. I suspect you see plenty of bods like Biel’s everyday. Well, I live in Chicago. Sunny half the year at best. Far lesser return for all those hours spent in the gym, since a body will be veiled by a heavy sweater or jacket half the time. Accordingly, the chicks here tend more towards the softer, more “feminine” type as you would call it. I would submit that attraction often attends the novel (or relatively novel). Bilson’s body may be (relatively) unique where you’re from; conversely, while we do have some super toned chicks like Biel, they’re certainly a rarity compared to the softer, more traditional types.

  8. Tyler Durden Avatar
    Tyler Durden


    I lived in Chicago for 10 years. Lived in LA for the last 8. I like petite, soft, feminine women. There are plenty in both places — LA and Chicago.

    There are also athletic looking women in both places that I do not prefer. Way it is.

    Also don’t really dig Asian women or fat chicks. Any theory on those?

  9. Dreamweapon Avatar

    Nah, you’re just getting snotty now so I think I’ll just ignore you.

  10. Tyler Durden Avatar
    Tyler Durden

    Actually, I am not.

    My first post said, “going to sound like a d*ck here…” and I used the words “I prefer” everwhere.

    So, not sure why you and others got “snotty” on me. I think Biel is a dog and I wouldn’t touch her. Ever. Hope you can all accept that, because it’s fact.

    Sorry I don’t dig on swine. There I said it.

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